Pada postingan kali ini admin akan melakukan posting tentang pembuatan Sisfo Administrasi Toko, form pertama yang akan dibuat yaitu Form Input Data barang. Aplikasi dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic 6 dengan Database Ms.Access.
Untuk Tampilannya sebagai berikut :
Untuk Tampilannya sebagai berikut :
Listing Code Program sebagai berikut :
Dim dtbs As Database
Dim tbl, tblrinci, tbl2, tbl3, tbl4 As Recordset
Dim konterdata, rubahdata
Private Sub cmdselesai_Click()
Frame5.Visible = False
Call buatkode
Text4.Text = " "
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = " "
Text7.Text = " "
Text8.Text = " "
Text9.Text = " "
Text10.Text = " "
Label11.Caption = 0
Call saringdata
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbaru_Click()
Text1.Text = " "
Text2.Text = " "
Text3.Text = " "
Text4.Text = " "
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = " "
Text7.Text = " "
Text8.Text = " "
Text9.Text = " "
Text10.Text = " "
Text11.Text = " "
Text12.Text = " "
End Sub
Private Sub cmdcari_Click()
Frame5.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdisi_Click()
Call buatkode
Text3.Text = " "
Text11.Text = " "
Text12.Text = " "
End Sub
Private Sub cmdrubah_Click()
rubahdata = "Y"
cmdrubah.Enabled = False
cmdkurang.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdtutupframe5_Click()
Frame5.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid1_DblClick()
cmdkurang.Enabled = True
cmdrubah.Enabled = True
rubahdata = "Y"
Text4.Text = Data1.Recordset("kodebrg")
Text5.Text = Data1.Recordset("namabrg")
Text6.Text = Data1.Recordset("hargabeli")
Text7.Text = Data1.Recordset("jmlbeli")
Text13.Text = Data1.Recordset("jmlbeli")
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid2_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
Frame4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid2_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
Text4.Text = Data2.Recordset("kodebrg")
Text5.Text = Data2.Recordset("namabrg")
Text6.Text = Data2.Recordset("hrgbeli")
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid3_DblClick()
Text2.Text = Data3.Recordset("kdpemasok")
Text3.Text = Data3.Recordset("nmpemasok")
Text11.Text = Data3.Recordset("alpemasok")
Text12.Text = Data3.Recordset("telppemasok")
Frame5.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid3_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
Frame5.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If Len(Text2.Text) > 0 Then
Frame5.Visible = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid3_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
Text2.Text = Data3.Recordset("kdpemasok")
Text3.Text = Data3.Recordset("nmpemasok")
Text11.Text = Data3.Recordset("alpemasok")
Text12.Text = Data3.Recordset("telppemasok")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Label1.Caption = gnamains
Label2.Caption = galins
Label3.Caption = gtelpins
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set dtbs = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\datatoko.mdb")
Set tbl = dtbs.OpenRecordset("beli", dbOpenDynaset)
Set tblrinci = dtbs.OpenRecordset("rbeli", dbOpenDynaset)
Set tbl2 = dtbs.OpenRecordset("qbeli", dbOpenDynaset)
Set tbl3 = dtbs.OpenRecordset("barang", dbOpenDynaset)
Set tbl4 = dtbs.OpenRecordset("pemasok", dbOpenDynaset)
Set Data1.Recordset = tbl2
Set Data2.Recordset = tbl3
Set Data3.Recordset = tbl4
Frame4.Visible = False
Frame5.Visible = False
cmdkurang.Enabled = False
cmdrubah.Enabled = False
cmdbaru.Enabled = False
Text1.Text = " "
Text2.Text = " "
Text3.Text = " "
Text4.Text = " "
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = " "
Text7.Text = " "
Text8.Text = " "
Text9.Text = " "
Text10.Text = " "
Text11.Text = " "
Text12.Text = " "
rubahdata = "T"
Call saringdata
End Sub
Private Sub cmdlihat_Click()
Frame4.Visible = True
rubahdata = "T"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdtutup_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
bg.Width = Me.Width
bg.Height = Me.Height
End Sub
Private Sub cmdok_Click()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
If Text1.Text = " " Or Text2.Text = " " Or Text4.Text = " " Or Val(Text7.Text) <= 0 Then
p = MsgBox("Nomor nota, kode pemasok atau kode barang atau jumlah belum diisi...!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Informasi")
If Text1.Text = " " Then
ElseIf Text2.Text = " " Then
ElseIf Text4.Text = " " Then
End If
kunci = Text1.Text
caridata = "notabeli='" & kunci & "'"
tbl.FindFirst caridata
If tbl.NoMatch Then
Call masuknota
End If
If rubahdata = "T" Then
Call cekpemasok
Call frmmasuk
Call tambahstok
Call saringdata
ElseIf rubahdata = "Y" Then
Call rubah
Call saringdata
End If
cmdbaru.Enabled = True
Text4.Text = " "
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = " "
Text7.Text = " "
rubahdata = "T"
cmdrubah.Enabled = False
cmdkurang.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid2_DblClick()
Text4.Text = Data2.Recordset("kodebrg")
Text5.Text = Data2.Recordset("namabrg")
Text6.Text = Data2.Recordset("hrgbeli")
Frame4.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub DBGrid2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Text4.Text = Data2.Recordset("kodebrg")
Text5.Text = Data2.Recordset("namabrg")
Text6.Text = Data2.Recordset("hrgbeli")
Frame4.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Change()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
kunci = Text1.Text
caridata = "notabeli='" & kunci & "'"
Call saringdata
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If Len(Text1.Text) > 10 Then
p = MsgBox("Nomor nota, maks hanya 10 karakter...!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Informasi")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text4_Change()
If Frame4.Visible = False Then
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
kunci = Text4.Text
caridata = "kodebrg='" & kunci & "'"
tbl3.FindFirst caridata
If tbl3.NoMatch Then
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = 0
Text5.Text = tbl3("namabrg")
Text6.Text = tbl3("hrgbeli")
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text6_Change()
Text8.Text = Val(Text6.Text) * Val(Text7.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Text7_Change()
Text8.Text = Val(Text6.Text) * Val(Text7.Text)
End Sub
Public Sub masuknota()
With tbl
!notabeli = Trim(Text1.Text)
!tglbeli = DTPicker1.Value
!kdpemasok = Text2.Text
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Sub
Public Sub frmmasuk()
With tblrinci
!notabeli = Text1.Text
!kodebrg = Text4.Text
!hargabeli = Text6.Text
!jmlbeli = Text7.Text
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Sub
Public Sub saringdata()
Dim vnota As String
Dim vsubtotal, vjmlbarang As Double
saring = "parameters vnota string;select * from qbeli where trim(notabeli)=trim(vnota)"
Set tds = dtbs.CreateQueryDef("", saring)
tds.Parameters![vnota] = Text1.Text
Set tbs = tds.OpenRecordset()
Set Data1.Recordset = tbs
If tbs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While tbs.EOF = False
vsubtotal = vsubtotal + (tbs("hargabeli") * tbs("jmlbeli"))
vjmlbarang = vjmlbarang + tbs("jmlbeli")
Text9.Text = vsubtotal
Text10.Text = vjmlbarang
Label11.Caption = Format(Text9.Text, "###,##0")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ttframe4_Click()
Frame4.Visible = False
End Sub
Public Sub kurangstok()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
kunci = Text4.Text
caridata = "kodebrg='" & kunci & "'"
tbl3.FindFirst caridata
If tbl3.NoMatch Then
tbl3("jmlstok") = tbl3("jmlstok") - Val(Text7.Text)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub tambahstok()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
kunci = Text4.Text
caridata = "kodebrg='" & kunci & "'"
tbl3.FindFirst caridata
If tbl3.NoMatch Then
tbl3("jmlstok") = tbl3("jmlstok") + Val(Text7.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdkurang_Click()
Dim caridata As String, kunci1 As String, kunci2 As String
kunci1 = Text1.Text
kunci2 = Text4.Text
caridata = "notabeli='" & kunci1 & "' and kodebrg='" & kunci2 & "'"
tblrinci.FindFirst caridata
If tblrinci.NoMatch Then
Call kurangstok
Call saringdata
Text4.Text = " "
Text5.Text = " "
Text6.Text = " "
Text7.Text = " "
End If
cmdkurang.Enabled = False
cmdrubah.Enabled = False
End Sub
Public Sub buatkode()
If tbl4.RecordCount > 0 Then
nourut = Val(Right(tbl4("kdpemasok"), 4)) + 1
If nourut < 10 Then
Text2.Text = "PMS000" + LTrim(Str(nourut))
ElseIf nourut < 100 Then
Text2.Text = "PMS00" + LTrim(Str(nourut))
ElseIf nourut < 1000 Then
Text2.Text = "PMS0" + LTrim(Str(nourut))
ElseIf nourut < 10000 Then
Text2.Text = "PMS" + LTrim(Str(nourut))
Text2.Text = "PMS0000"
End If
Text2.Text = "PMS0001"
End If
End Sub
Public Sub cekpemasok()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String
kunci = Text2.Text
caridata = "kdpemasok='" & kunci & "'"
tbl4.FindFirst caridata
If tbl4.NoMatch Then
With tbl4
!kdpemasok = Text2.Text
!nmpemasok = Text3.Text
!alpemasok = Text11.Text
!telppemasok = Text12.Text
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub rubah()
Dim caridata As String, kunci As String, kunci1 As String, kunci2 As String
If Val(Text7.Text) > Val(Text13.Text) Then
selisih = Val(Text7.Text) - Val(Text13.Text)
kunci = Text4.Text
caridata = "kodebrg='" & kunci & "'"
tbl3.FindFirst caridata
If tbl3.NoMatch Then
tbl3("jmlstok") = tbl3("jmlstok") + selisih
End If
ElseIf Val(Text7.Text) < Val(Text13.Text) Then
selisih = Val(Text13.Text) - Val(Text7.Text)
kunci = Text4.Text
caridata = "kodebrg='" & kunci & "'"
tbl3.FindFirst caridata
If tbl3.NoMatch Then
tbl3("jmlstok") = tbl3("jmlstok") - selisih
End If
End If
kunci1 = Text1.Text
kunci2 = Text4.Text
caridata = "notabeli='" & kunci1 & "' and kodebrg ='" & kunci2 & "'"
tblrinci.FindFirst caridata
If tblrinci.NoMatch Then
tblrinci("hargabeli") = Text6.Text
tblrinci("jmlbeli") = Text7.Text
End If
End Sub
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